Drive buzz and mass awareness for NotCo’s expansion in North America as an AI-powered plant-based innovator, while building credibility via national business and trade press.


  • Partnership Amplification – Aggressive outreach publicizing launch of new joint venture with Kraft Heinz and intent to create portfolio of plant-based versions of beloved American classics.
  • Unicorn Status – Strategic pulses highlighting investment news ahead of company milestone achieving unicorn status.
  • Tasting is Believing – Ongoing news bureau to elevate superior flavor and functionality with priority on third-party endorsement for taste.


  • Generated 67 stories and more than 250 million impressions for Kraft joint venture launch.
  • Secured more than 380 articles and 2.8 billion impressions in less than 12 months.
NotCo RKPR CLient Media Relations PR
NotCo RKPR CLient Media Relations PR
NotCo RKPR CLient Media Relations PR
NotCo RKPR Client Public relations media relations
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