E-commerce Acceleration Program
for Social Media
We’ve seen a significant shift in the way consumers purchase and connect with CPG brands. Current events have resulted in shoppers doing more of their grocery and household shopping online – both on direct to consumer brand websites and online retailers – for safety and convenience.
Shopping Online for CPG Items
↑ 35%
With grocery as a leading driver, according to Nielsen.
Online Purchases of Perishable Food
↑ 69%
Adobe Analytics reported non-perishable foods have experienced an increase in online purchases.
Social Media Guiding Purchases
↑ 74%
74% of consumers rely on social media to guide their purchases.
Increased Social Media Use
↑ 64%
64% of consumers say they’ve increased usage of social media because of coronavirus – this is one of the most cost-effective ways to reach them where they are right now!
Our quick start program helps you drive e-commerce sales through an accelerated social strategy that includes:
- Facebook and Instagram campaigns optimized for sales conversion.
- Social media program designed to drive consumer retention and enable cross-platform remarketing.
- Robust analytics and reporting to constantly learn and scale.
For more information about our E-commerce Acceleration Program for Social Media contact us at info@nullrkpr.net.